Tuesday 13 March 2012

mid test is on next week


mind map by me

soooooo lately to posting this post. i've got bad mark on second test at physics, so mister riza told us to make mind map about FLUIDA. firstly, i have no idea to make this mind map, it's so hard for me. so, i make it slowly, step by step. FINALLY, it look like this:

Monday 12 March 2012

photo from my heart


well, it's the first day holiday of 5 days holiday. woke up at morning, helped mommy to cleaned the house. but, before i do that work, first i repaired my stack of book. 
before i repaired

after all sweat that was poured, now it's more better like this

i said "FINALLY! now, i made it in my way!"

Saturday 10 March 2012


a hand made tattoo by aji on thursday but totaly cleared on this day, abstract but looks cool. by the way thanks aji :)

Friday 9 March 2012


Andika Indra Kusuma
manjada wajada
Andika Atmanegara Putra
berusahalah sekeras mungkin kemudian bertawakal
Riska Sutrisno
life is everything. from life you know manyhing
Indah Nilawati
do what you love or you'll die unhappy
never give up!
M. Tri Yoga Nugraha
my mom is my spirit
all everything i do just for GOD, mom, dad, and my family
Nurul Aiman Musodiqoh
try and try again
Hany Zevania
Ignasia Ruth Vallery Hutapea
be patient, be cool, keep praying, and believe
Sed Aina Mutie
life is a choice
Lutfiah Agus
berusaha dan terus berusaha
Rizky Dany
talk less do more
Rozy Dwi Sahputra
you can do if you believe you can
Najma Nazif
life is an adventure
Muta Mimmah
life is for future not the past
Cynthia Ayu Melinda Simanjuntak
grateful and realized is the beggining to get the wonderful life
Ade Indah Octavia Lumbantobing
i'm beauty in my way
Meilinda Putri Pertiwi
be the best from the best
experience is the best teacher
Chairunisa Hasibuan
be your self
Aji Cakra Kusuma
ad astra per aspera
Pacha Della Yolanro
a big passion could defeat a talent
Mika Mutmainah
follow your dream
Nur Edy Jalmanto
today must be better than yesterday
Panji Apriliandika
kegagalan adalah walal dari kesuksesan
Donny Sasmita Samosir
terus mencoba lalu percaya dan bersyukur
Riska Yuliana
never say never
Derma Nugraha
flow like a river, dont fight the stream
Zakhiatul Husna
life is experiences! believe with your heart!
Misba Aini
sukses bukanlah tujuan akhir, tapi sebuah proses
Piety Yusyahbella
the limits are in us not out side us!
Diniarie Budhiarti
ikhlas :)